Welcome to the New Living CM in CA!

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It’s been a rocky start, but I’ve finally had some time to update this new blog! Blogger, where I blogged for years, has become a relatively (maybe seriously) outdated platform, so it was time to move. I hope to find time to write and share my thoughts on many things here – I have more than I know what to do with, but it’s a struggle to compile anything into a post worth hitting publish on.

There’s so much out there in the CM world these days! And my kids are now 9, 12, 16, and… 18!!!! I’ve graduated a student and am feeling pretty accomplished about it. She asked me to proofread her college PowerPoint assignment today about her goals and plans, and reading her thoughts through her words just cemented everything I’d learned over the years about Charlotte Mason’s methods. She is a person, and I am so grateful for these truths that touched our lives in such a life-giving way.

All posts older than this one are imported from the old blog.

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