
Hi there. I am Greta. I am one of the contributors to this blog. I thought I’d better get on the ball since Naomi has posted 2 times, Johnna once and I, not at all.
I am not new to home schooling, but I am new to home schooling. It isn’t as confusing as it sounds. I was home schooled myself, and now I am home schooling my own kids. This is our first year. So you see, it is new.

Charlotte Mason, however, is all new to me. I have just begun to explore her writings. I am very excited about it all. I feel like so many of the things I want learning and education to be for my family are part of her philosophy.
I admit, at first I was unsure. I didn’t want to boxed in or to follow just one way of doing things. Isn’t that the beauty of home schooling? That we can pick and choose what suits the needs of our children best?
However, the more I learn, the more free I feel. Let me give you an example.

My sons did some science experiments this weekend. First we read this old text book, and then we did the experiments. Now a text book is very un-Charlotte Mason. But I think the end result was very Charlotte Mason. It was real life learning, child led and not watered down. It was fun.
Please click on the link to my blog here, and read the full story. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to seeing you back here soon.

PS I am trying to figure out how to post at my blog and this one simultaneously, but it is very late and a tad bit complicated for me right now. Soon I’ll figure it out and you won’t have to go here, there and everywhere. Until then, I appreciate your patience.

4 thoughts on “Learning”

  1. How fun Greta! And what a blessing for your children to have parents who encourage their learning in such real and tangible ways. The love of learning is so evident within them already and will continue as you continue encouraging them and putting them in touch with great ideas like you already are.

    I'm completely jealous of your book finds – Five Little Peppers is one our free reads this year. And I love those old hardcovers!

  2. How fun Greta! And what a blessing for your children to have parents who encourage their learning in such real and tangible ways. The love of learning is so evident within them already and will continue as you continue encouraging them and putting them in touch with great ideas like you already are.

    I'm completely jealous of your book finds – Five Little Peppers is one our free reads this year. And I love those old hardcovers!

  3. Next time I hear about a book sale I'll put it up here. I will try to remember ahead of time, instead of a half hour before.
    And thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Next time I hear about a book sale I'll put it up here. I will try to remember ahead of time, instead of a half hour before.
    And thanks for the encouragement!

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