Handcraft Bag

My 9yo daughter’s bag that we got at the $1 spot at Target that lasted over a year tore so she asked if she could make a bag like her friend Taylor’s. I did a Google search and showed her some pictures and she found one she liked. It took only 2 yards of fabric to make so I agreed and took her to the store to let her pick out her fabrics.

All the measuring, marking, figuring out the best use of space on the fabric, etc. ended up being good math lessons. And her little sister pretend played with the ruler and her piece of paper along-side her and cut her pieces as well 🙂

This was the first time I let her use the sewing machine all by herself. I taught her the basics of threading the bobbin, threading the needle, back stitch, etc. The video tutorial for the project suggested ironing each piece before sewing it, which ended up being a really useful guide to sew along. I also sat beside her to guide her when she started sewing off track or ended up with an unwanted crease.

And there she is with her new bag, happy as can be!

I’m thinking I could use a bag like that myself!

Here’s the video tutorial for this bag: http://www.thediydish.com/2010/10/episode-5-how-to-make-the-diy-dish-basic-handbag/

We did shorten the strap for her. I suggested making the bag itself smaller, but she wanted a big bag so we left it as is.

I added two of these flower appliques and my daughter did the last one with my help.

Of course my 3yo wanted a bag too so I made this one with left over fabric. It’s loosely based on this free pattern: http://thinkliz.com/2009/02/20/diana-hobo-free-pattern/

The flower appliques are so adorable and easy to make you can make them with pieces of left over scrap fabric and add them to anything…

like this cute little onesie for an upcoming baby shower.

Now what to do with my son….??? Do any of you have any good handcraft ideas for boys? I’m thinking of helping him make a kite, I found a tutorial here: http://www.stormthecastle.com/how-to-make-a/kite/make-a-traditional-kite.htm

…and maybe some gardening. We don’t have a garden plot so I thought I’d get some pots and dirt and maybe have him plant some fruit seeds or whatever we happen to come across. Maybe avocado? pomegranate? I have no idea if those things would grow here, but I guess finding things out as we go is part of the fun of handcrafts. We’ll keep you posted!

2 thoughts on “Handcraft Bag”

  1. How neat! 🙂 I'm looking for boys ideas also. My husband is eventually going to do woodworking with them…hmmm…we've made little bows 'n arrows etc…those are things they've made themselves.

  2. How neat! 🙂 I'm looking for boys ideas also. My husband is eventually going to do woodworking with them…hmmm…we've made little bows 'n arrows etc…those are things they've made themselves.

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