A Slump and A Giveaway

I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately, it’s true.

No inspiration to blog, no charge to my camera battery, no desire to draw in my nature journal, dishes in the sink, a list of errands left undone, kids prodding me to make dinner, a strange growth taking over the crawdad tank…

It happens sometimes.

Well, as it turns out – we have number four on the way!

And now that I’m just past the first trimester, my energy and motivation is returning and things are on the up and up.

So, my first order of business is to get to that give-away I mentioned before.

Hal and Melanie Young, parents of six boys and authors of Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching and Appreciating Boys have given us an extra copy of their book to giveaway to one lucky Mommy out there!

Some of the topics in the Book include:

* Resisting Feminization
* Boys Need Heroes
* Visual Media
* Heroes from History
* Bring on the Boldness
* When to Comfort, When to Encourage
* Standing Alone
* Responsibility, Then Freedom
* Learning to Stand
* What the Bible Says about Leadership
* Developing the Next Generation’s Leaders
* The Biblical View of Competition
* The Puritan View of Games and Competition
* What the Bible Says about Manners

and on and on including a chapter on homeschooling and one on training finances.

I have had this book by my bedside for the past couple of weeks and have discussed much of what I’ve read with my husband and we both agree there is much wisdom in what the Young’s have to say. We couldn’t help thinking how many of the painful lessons we’ve encountered along the way as adults could have been avoided with some of the practical training discussed in this book.

I especially appreciated how they tied each chapter to scripture and brought in examples from history throughout their book to give us a broader view of manhood than just what is evident in our culture today.

Hopefully you will win this autographed copy to add to your store of wisdom. If you don’t, this is one book you’ll be sure to want to get your hands on!

To enter the giveaway just post a comment below, and to make it fun tell us one thing most people do not know about you. If for some reason you are unable to post a comment, just shoot me an Email Here and I’ll make sure you’re included in the drawing.

The winner will be randomly pulled from strings by my 2yo daughter next Friday and will be announced on the blog here.

17 thoughts on “A Slump and A Giveaway”

  1. I am a homeschool mom of 3 boys ages 3, 5 & 6. This book has been on my wishlist for sometime now. As for something people don't know about me? My husband reminded me that when I was 17 I went on a missions trip to Australia. Seems like a lifetime ago but it was amazing!

  2. I want it!!! Hi, I stalk this awesome blog. I live in Kentucky. I have four children (3 girls, 1 boy). I grew up with three sisters, and now after having three girls I finally had a boy. He's nine months old and won't touch the My Little Ponies, or anything girly for that matter. How does he know?? I'm at a loss.
    Something that not many people know about me: I've been tubing down the famous Yangtze River in China, then had to hitch-hike back to town in my swimsuit and my inner-tube.
    Nice to meet y'all.

  3. I want it!!! Hi, I stalk this awesome blog. I live in Kentucky. I have four children (3 girls, 1 boy). I grew up with three sisters, and now after having three girls I finally had a boy. He's nine months old and won't touch the My Little Ponies, or anything girly for that matter. How does he know?? I'm at a loss.
    Something that not many people know about me: I've been tubing down the famous Yangtze River in China, then had to hitch-hike back to town in my swimsuit and my inner-tube.
    Nice to meet y'all.

  4. thanks for this giveaway naomi, and congratulations on baby 4! so exciting! okay, something unknown? hmmm… i used to think the words of the song that says "secret agent man, secret agent man…" said "secret asian man, secret asian man." i was a kid, and thought the song was really weird!

  5. thanks for this giveaway naomi, and congratulations on baby 4! so exciting! okay, something unknown? hmmm… i used to think the words of the song that says "secret agent man, secret agent man…" said "secret asian man, secret asian man." i was a kid, and thought the song was really weird!

  6. I have three boys, so this book looks great! As for something not known about me… a few weeks ago my oldest son was playing basketball with my brother. My brother said to him, "Your mom used to play basketball. Did you know that?" My son looked over at me with a disbelieving look on his face. "Did you really play basketball?" Yes, I did. I guess I never told them that!

  7. I have three boys, so this book looks great! As for something not known about me… a few weeks ago my oldest son was playing basketball with my brother. My brother said to him, "Your mom used to play basketball. Did you know that?" My son looked over at me with a disbelieving look on his face. "Did you really play basketball?" Yes, I did. I guess I never told them that!

  8. Congratulations on #4. I've been looking at this book for a while … I've been making up for lost time in learning practical skills and wish I had been taught (even through my complaining) when I was much younger. Now, I need to know how to teach my son. Something little known: I've been using some version of the internet (or at least long distance computing) since 1989 when I was working at a law school library in Utah, accessing law school library records in California.

  9. Congratulations on #4. I've been looking at this book for a while … I've been making up for lost time in learning practical skills and wish I had been taught (even through my complaining) when I was much younger. Now, I need to know how to teach my son. Something little known: I've been using some version of the internet (or at least long distance computing) since 1989 when I was working at a law school library in Utah, accessing law school library records in California.

  10. hey there! I came over looking to link up with your first reading lesson post from awhile back (because I was THAT impressed 😉 and I saw the drawing… I'd love to win a copy of the book. I've heard good things about it!

    Um… about me… well, my mom's maiden name is Honey and she told me she ALMOST named me Honey, and I ever so wished she had for most of my childhood 😉 Amy was just SO common…

    amy in peru

  11. hey there! I came over looking to link up with your first reading lesson post from awhile back (because I was THAT impressed 😉 and I saw the drawing… I'd love to win a copy of the book. I've heard good things about it!

    Um… about me… well, my mom's maiden name is Honey and she told me she ALMOST named me Honey, and I ever so wished she had for most of my childhood 😉 Amy was just SO common…

    amy in peru

  12. Hi, I come over to your blog looking for some Charlotte Mason blog friends and saw the give away. I have a son that I am trying to raise up to be a Godly leader in his home should the Lord tarry until he is grown up. I would like to have this book.
    Something no one knows about me, I love to play the piano and sing when no one else is around.

  13. Hi, I come over to your blog looking for some Charlotte Mason blog friends and saw the give away. I have a son that I am trying to raise up to be a Godly leader in his home should the Lord tarry until he is grown up. I would like to have this book.
    Something no one knows about me, I love to play the piano and sing when no one else is around.

  14. Congratulations on #4!

    I've wanted to read this and would absolutely love to win it! I'm the oldest of five girls, and I have three boys and one girl, so this book would be really helpful. 🙂

    One thing about me is that my husband and I went to Spain on our honeymoon, and we went on a day trip to Morocco, where a local man offered my husband 30 camels in exchange for me!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Congratulations on #4!

    I've wanted to read this and would absolutely love to win it! I'm the oldest of five girls, and I have three boys and one girl, so this book would be really helpful. 🙂

    One thing about me is that my husband and I went to Spain on our honeymoon, and we went on a day trip to Morocco, where a local man offered my husband 30 camels in exchange for me!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Congratulations on #4! Babies are so much fun 🙂

    I only have one son, who is almost 2 years old now. I'd love to have this book! Something people don't know about me? I have an alternate identity besides that of wife and Mommy, I'm stressed senior in college about to graduate!

  17. Congratulations on #4! Babies are so much fun 🙂

    I only have one son, who is almost 2 years old now. I'd love to have this book! Something people don't know about me? I have an alternate identity besides that of wife and Mommy, I'm stressed senior in college about to graduate!

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