YR4 Term 1 Schedule

I finally got around to finishing my YR4 daughter’s schedule for Term 1. Most of the work was in figuring out how our day would flow and then splitting up the readings, particularly Robinson Crusoe.

I have the Junior Deluxe Edition, which has no chapters, making it very time consuming to split the readings for the week.

It’s done, for now. And it’s not set in stone. I may find after the first week that I want her to listen to Robinson Crusoe on librivox instead and I’ll read Storybook of Science with her; not sure. In any case, it’s a start and we’ll massage it as we go.

This is the schedule I will give my 9 (almost 10) yo daughter. Mine will look very similar, but will also have my YR2 son’s readings and time slots for my 3yo’s ‘school’ and nap. I plan on posting that here when it is done also. Her readings are in blue because I color code each child’s work which helps me keep things straight.

I posted it to Scribd so feel free to download and use it, although you would have to double check page numbers because they may vary depending upon which version of the books you have.

Oh, and you’d have to change my daughter’s name to your child’s name 😉

If you see any errors, feel free to let me know.

Also, for the record, the way we do Japanese is NOT CM. Foreign language is meant to be worked on daily; we’re just not there.

And I don’t list composer study or handcrafts because these aren’t done on a schedule for me – I play composer music and work on handcrafts with them when the opportunities arise rather than at a set time every week.

Please keep in mind that this is a YR4 schedule so if you’re doing YR0 or YR1 and looking at this schedule, thinking it would work for you – it could, but practically none of what is on here applies to YR0 and only some to YR1 so you would need to pare it down significantly. Please check AO to see what is appropriate for your child’s age.

Also, while it may seem overwhelming – and yes, I admit I did feel overwhelmed at first – many of the things on the schedule are very short. Scripture memory takes less than 10 minutes, singing a hymn takes less than 10 minutes, art study takes no more than 15 minutes so while it seems like A LOT, (and this is me reasoning myself into what my will has already decided) it is just many bite size pieces.

It is wide and varied and it’s all a part of setting their feet in a large room.

Check back with us in 12 weeks and we’ll see how we’re doing 🙂

AO YR4 Schedule

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