
Some CM thoughts on Art

The topic at our recent Charlotte Mason meeting was Art and I thought I’d share some CM thoughts for anyone that may not have been able to attend. It’s lengthy, but worth the read, so if you don’t have time now, come back later with a cup of tea and enjoy! The Grand Canal, Venice […]

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At The Farm

We recently borrowed The Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown from the library for my two year old. There is a lot for little ones to find as you read it to them… Here’s another one of our favorite farm books. If you don’t have it already, just buy it. You’ll love it and

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On a whim, a neighbor of ours decided to sell everything they own and move to NYC. A bold move, the kind of thing I think about doing at times – but not for the city, for land – woods, streams, nature in my back yard… sounds dreamy. Anyhow, they put a bunch of things

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Why Boys Fail

This is Sobering… A coarsened cultural environment has eliminated the heroic ideals that once inspired young men. Boys, and young men in particular, respond very well to noble purpose but haven’t had much to go on in the past fifty years of our bedraggled history. So many of the young men I see in my

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Protecting vs. Attracting

Kristine loaned me a book the other day called Gospel Powered Parenting by William P. Farley. With so many parenting books out there, I’m not one to get overly excited about the latest greatest, but with a title like that and a recommendation from a very well read friend like Kristine, I knew I had

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Train Up a Child

One of the ladies in our group recently commented on a post titled Perfectionism written by Anne Voskamp regarding the teachings of Michael and Debi Pearl. Their methods are controversial, to say the least, and even more so now with all the media attention they are garnering. Kristine took the time to write out her

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We Undervalue Children

One of the basic tenets of a Charlotte Mason Education is that “Children are born persons.” What does that mean; that a child is born a person? While I won’t assume to understand what CM meant by that completely, as a CM homeschooling mom, part of its meaning is becoming more and more apparent to

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Interesting Collections

Is it just me… or does the Handbook of Nature Study give you the impression that an effective teacher ought to collect things for the children’s classroom… living things, for the sake of observation and learning? Surely the instructions on how to create a pond aquarium or a small animal trap are for the reader’s

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Nature Study Days

Nature teaches so gently, so gradually, so persistently, that he is never overdone, but goes on gathering little stores of knowledge about whatever comes before him. ~Charlotte Mason We are blessed to have a Charlotte Mason group here in Southern California. From what I understand, we are a rare breed. I often find myself feeling

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