First AmblesideOnline Conference in 10 Years

Did you know? AmblesideOnline is having a conference next month, July 24-25 in Remington, IN!

Someone once said wisdom comes from two places – our mistakes, and the mistakes of others. Wouldn’t it be nice to save years of making our own mistakes by learning from others who have walked further down this path who can steer us clear of the pitfalls and guide us to the scenic places we might otherwise miss?

Well here’s your chance. Speaking at this conference are homeschooling moms who have been reading, studying, and applying Charlotte Mason homeschooling in their own homes for 20+ years. These are not women who have book knowledge alone, they have experience and wisdom and much encouragement and insight to share with you!

Space is limited to only 100 attendees for this year’s retreat so don’t wait!



* Why our view of the child matters, how Charlotte Mason saw the child, and how that view lays a foundation for successfully educating them. Karen Glass – Advisory Member, missionary in Poland, and author of “Consider This: Charlotte Mason in the Classical Tradition” – shares from her experience as a homeschooling mom of over twenty years and avid researcher of educational philosophy.

* What is the heart and soul of AmblesideOnline: the people and the story behind the designing of the AO curriculum, the purpose and vision behind it, and ongoing encouragement for the parent/teacher who is taking this journey with us. Donna-Jean Breckenridge (Bible College graduate and 25 years homeschooling mom) and Lynn Bruce (Graduate of Education/Special Ed and homeschooling mom of 21 years), Advisory members both, will each share their unique perspectives from homeschooling AO through various trials and joys.

How a CM education is ideal for both college bound students and for students with other vocations, presented by Advisory member Wendi Capehart and her daughter Nicole. Wendi is the mother of seven children, grandmother of quite-a-lot, and has been homeschooling for 27 years. Nicole is a second generation homeschooling mom to 3 lively children under 4 with the 4th due in September.

 * What AO’s new science changes bring to your homeschool. Jeanne Webb, Auxiliary member coming all the way from Australia, and Kathy Wickward lead AO’s Science team.

* How CM language arts integrates to create the literate child, from pre-reading through high school writing. Auxiliary member Lani Siciliano of Connecticut, homeschool mother of 6, has children working in a variety of language arts levels.

* How to use CM’s reading method to teach your child to read. Auxiliary member Amy Tuttle (missionary in Peru) has blogged extensively about how she teaches reading.

* How (and why!) to teach foreign language. Auxiliary member Phyllis Hunsucker, missionary in Ukraine, has a bilingual home.

* Why preschool and kindergarten shouldn’t look like school. Auxiliary member Kathy Livingston of Texas will be accompanied by her current Year 0 child, her 21-month old.

* How to get a head start on next year’s composer study. Megan Hoyt, a classical music lover from childhood, recently authored “Hildegard’s Gift.”

* All that, plus: ∙ Breakout sessions on Living Books (Auxiliary member Melisa Hills), Swedish Drill (AO forum moderator Dawn Duran), and Scheduling (AO forum moderator Christy Hissong) – the CM way

* Special Q&A session with the Advisory and Auxiliary (Including Advisory member and Canadian blogger Anne White)

* AmblesideOnline merchandise – pick up a coffee mug or totebag imprinted with the latest AO logo!

∙ and much, much more!

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